Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gnome Sweet Gnome

I was checking out in my ongoing quest to find an affordable digital camera and what should pop up on the home page? Joining the ranks of foam fingers, bobble-heads and terrible towels is the officially licensed NFL (and MLB and NCAA...) Garden Gnome.

I kid you not.

I once saw a Steelers Nutcracker that I was sorely tempted to purchase for my Black and Gold emblazoned brother. This is so much better!

I think I know what a certain someone might be getting for Christmas...


  1. OH I am buying this RIGHT NOW. I saw the NCAA ones and bought a Kentucky one for my aunt. But Steelers?! I may buy a 12-pack!

  2. A 12-pack?!!! You have to hang out with me and my brother when he comes to visit again. You are so the girl of his dreams!
